We like nothing better than a damn good linkup

Monday, 28 November 2011

Get Your Monations in QUICK!

It’s the final week of Movember and the MOWB team are still going strong!

Jonsey is displaying some real bushy brilliance, Andy has taken the morning off for a grooming session (removing the greys I believe) Mike is now slightly more noticeable but has agreed to start next years Movember in June and Norm has had a week off to pursuit his new MOdeling career.

However, the razors are at the ready for Thursday, and to make sure the boys don’t get twitchy, (with the itch being really poignant here) please do donate to this fantastic cause: http://uk.movember.com/mospace/1797196

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Frazier’s Christmas Wine Tasting

A Guide to Frazier’s Christmas Wine Tasting, 24th November at The Forest, Dorridge, Solihull…

DO have a bite to start. It would be a good idea to not start on an empty stomach! (Try our tasting platter from the award winning Forest team available to pre order).

DON'T attempt to try all the wines! Walk the room. Talk to the people behind the booth and allow them to steer you towards a few bottles to try. Have a strategy. Are you after new varieties? Did you want to approach your favourites first or save them for last?

DON'T feel that you have to empty your glass. Our team will give you a decent pour but don't feel that you have to drain the class each time. It's perfectly acceptable to pour the wine out and move to another one. And yes...it is acceptable to spit!

DO talk to people. Ask questions. Wine people are quite friendly and do like discussing the wine. You might even make a few friends. DO take your time. Pace yourself. Wines start pouring at 7:00pm and will keep on pouring until 9:00pm, making it truly an evening not to be Missed.

To purchase a ticket please visit http://www.frazierswine.co.uk/wine-tasting/

Do have an enjoyable evening.

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Fantastic LDC Quiz Night - £80,000 raised for Charity

OWB masquerading as Digbeth University Master Brains, took part in the national LDC www.ldc.co.uk quiz last night, over 100 teams took part across the country competing for the coveted title of 'Champion Quiz Team' - we excelled taking 3rd place nationally...the clincher was possibly Norm's stunning Justin Bieber answer...many thanks to LDC Midlands www.ldc.co.uk/midlands for superb hospitality

A wonderful evening supporting 6 incredible charities; Birmingham Children's Hospital, CHAS, Hollybank Trust, Friendship Works, Kidscan, Camp Mohawk and When you wish upon a star.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Mogress Update!

We are 1 week into Movember so its time for an Update on the guys progress:

Andy: Looking more like Ned Flanders every day, you could say his progress is Fantashtic

Jonesy: Close second behind Andy, there is clear distinction between mo and stubble, however a worrying hint of ginger is emerging

Norm: A pre Movember favourite, he is struggling to take the bold step to lose the beard and leave only Mo

Mike: He keeps telling us 'its blond' but to be honest the Mogress would be better named Slowgress

Keep following for latests new, Pictures will be uploaded shortly, as will results of round 1 of the OWB pool tournament.

Friday, 4 November 2011

Taste some spectacular wines for Chrimbo

Fraziers Wine Merchants are putting a wonderful tasting evening on 24th November at The Forest Hotel, Dorridge, Solihull...get online, get a ticket and get some bargains http://www.frazierswine.co.uk

Bryony Doubles up!

Star OWB designer Bryony Cork is struggling to cope with her new found fame, after seeing two of her ads hit the press on the same day!

Fraziers Wine Merchants and Midland Heart both released ads on Wednesday (3rd November) leaving Bryony and OWB seeing double. Congratulations Bryony!