We like nothing better than a damn good linkup

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Shari does her bit for Anglo-Welsh relations

Shari (centre) flanked by Wales new wonder-duo
freshly delivered by Interflora.
After taking a Leek at Twickers Shaz buys a large Daffodil to take home as a commemorative gift from the glorious Triple Crown win at RFU HQ (written by Andy obviously, and feeling his Welshness coming through here)

Sunday, 12 February 2012

First in the cue

Holding her cherished trophy 'The Cacktus' Shari proudly poses at the agency pool table after winning the OWB pool tournament.
"I've always been good at sports involving pubs" commented Mrs Bryan, who intends to follow up the win with a few halves of thunderbird down The Forge.

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Sparksy gets back to Voguing

Just when one thought the concept of Voguing was going out of fashion, cutting edge trendmeister Pete 'Voguster" Sparks and his mentor Geoff bring the New York phenomenon back to the office floorspace. Luckily both had ample quantities of right guard on for this special armpit move!


Friday, 3 February 2012

New Paris Office for Eluere

In December our wonderful Partner in France, Eluere, opened their new Paris office on 122 rue de Provence,  in the Opera district, the heart of the capital!  The reception was full of sparkle with over 150 guests, clients, journalists and politicians ... the champagne was flowing.

Jean Eluere explains how France will win the 6 Nations in 2012
to his guests and colleagues, at the launch party!
Best of luck to Jean Eluère, Bruno d'Utruy, Adalbert Dorpmund and all the team from OWB
