We believe at OWB that a fit mind creates a fit and active business, so we have decided to let you have a sneak preview of Wilkinshaft's amazing super gym session, follow these simple guidelines and you too can be a lean mean machine:
Step 1 - arrive at gym around 6.20 am, realise you have only half of your kit, rummage lost property
Step 2 - get changed, adjust thong in mirror, quick motivational talking to....you can do it!
Step 3 - go upstairs to gym, (tough) 2 flights...check pulse, rest, intake of water
Step 4 - plug into running machine, no sound, choose another, quick 4 mins of running (level 1)
Step 5 - stretch, yawn, stretch, scratch...adjust thong
Step 6 - weights......yep look at the weights.....walk on
Step 7 - back down 2 flights of stairs, relax, intake of water
Step 8 - shower....lots of hardcore hairdryer action, lift, blow, comb, relax
Step 9 - few stomach intake side ons in mirror....in/hold/relax (repeat all-day)
Step 10 - McDs for big breakfast....
With this session, I guarantee results.