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Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Timothy Collingwood (Phillips House) prepares for Charity cycle ride

In rather unusual attire all-round good guy, Colville Arms stalwart and former U13's House swimming champion Timothy Collingwood has turned to cycling for charity.

"it has always been a dream of mine..." commented Mr C, when interviewed roadside by intrepid OWB reporters ".... to take my chopper out in public, since upgrading from the Tomahawk to the Grifter I still felt the ride wasn't right, so the 3 gears and banana saddle will definitely be the right choice of bike for the Scottish hills"

Seen here sporting his Unique all-weather cycling and high-visibility range of cycling gear (sales have stalled but Tim is expecting a good second half) TC takes to the highlands in May.
Good luck!

Tim is cycling for Hope against Cancer, give generously http://www.hfcr.org/events/107/
Sabiana can be found here http://www.sabiana.co.uk/