Drinking around eight glasses of water a day helps us to
maintain optimum health. It’s common knowledge. But, still, eight glasses can
seem like quite a lot – especially if you’re not used to drinking the
recommended amount!
Certainly, attempting to gulp down your daily intake in
just a couple of sittings will overload your system and leave you feeling quite
unwell. In fact, this can be extremely dangerous. It can lead to water
intoxication, which can have devastating effects.
The trick is to drink water throughout the day.
When you wake up, drink a glass of water straight away.
It will refresh you and help clear your mind. The liver and kidneys are at
their most active before midday, so this will also help them to carry out their
natural functions.
Once you are at work, forget the takeaway coffee. Head to
the water cooler in the mid-morning
and enjoy a glass of cooler water. You can’t get a purer drink than clear,
filtered water – so you’ll avoid all the potentially damaging side effects of
coffee or tea.
But remember – you don’t have to drink all your
recommended daily intake of water in the form of, well, water! Herbal teas are
a great idea if you fancy a change. At lunch, enjoy a glass of cold water
before you eat and half an hour later help your digestion with a mug of
peppermint tea. Follow the same approach at dinner time, and at the end of the
day enjoy a mug of chamomile tea to help yourself relax. Before you know it,
you'll be drinking the optimum amount of water and looking and feeling great.
Remember to drink extra water when you are exercising – a
bottle taken with you can be very beneficial and you can sip on it at
intervals. But, again, don’t drink too much, as this can be dangerous.