We like nothing better than a damn good linkup

Monday 28 February 2011

Monday 21 February 2011

A Wonderful Brazilian

Our Brazilian ComVort buddy Marcello Borges Barbusci has set up ONE-i, a new full-service agency in Sao Paulo, he's off to a flying start with major clients already in the largest and most famous museums in Brazil, the MuBE (MuBE – Museu Brasileiro da Escultura) and ABIPECS – Associação Brasileira de Importadores e Exportadores de Carne Suína (National Association for Import and Export of Pork)

So good work fella, nice to see entrepreneurship is alive and kicking. I'm off for a bacon sarnie and a look at the new MuBE iPad app Marcello has built...

Monday 14 February 2011

Placing the kicking tee on one's head, is not the best idea....

But then rugby players have never been known for their brains....however a stonking win finished off a great all-round rugby weekend.

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Good luck Pecka

Sad news for Walsall player and all round good guy 'Pecka' who suffered a terrible broken leg and is sitting out the season on the touchlines, good luck with the recovery old chap. But in good news Walsall are doing well, sitting mid-league and the OWB logo still comes up bright and breezy in the wash every week...